My word of the week: "Grate-lucky" (and here's why)
/It's a gorgeous Sunday here in Rochester, NY and I am feeling incredibly grateful as I write to you today. And lucky. Can we call it "grate-lucky"? Why not! I may have just made up a new word, but I'm totally calling this feeling "grate-lucky" and here's why.
1. Homemade gifts were abundant this week! Can I tell you how incredible it feels to have kiddos come to class proudly (and maybe a little shyly) giving me their yoga-artwork? My heart pretty much burst with happiness this week. There is no better compliment! Here are two (very adorable) masterpieces that I'd like to share. I am "grate-lucky", indeed.
This was part of a whole homemade book, all about yoga! Amazing.
"Me and my friends in tree pose" I love the confidence and detail!
2. Yoga connections were made! So great to have many new faces in class this week! What is so cool about new friends joining are the connections that form between kids. Whether it happens because their mats are next to each other, because they are talking at dinner during Yoga Club, or because they are partners in a fun game...friendships form. Kids come together in yoga and leave as friends. I sure am "grate-lucky" to see this happen.
Tuesday night kids yoga friends!
3. Kids yoga led to special moments! To the mom who was able to take a yoga class for herself while her daughter came to the kids class on Tuesday night. To Michelle Gipner for teaching her excellent adult class next to me this week. To the very sweet group of campers that I was honored to guest teach this Friday morning. To my Yoga Club friends on Friday night. And to taking Butterfly Kids Yoga outdoors at the ROC City Health and Music Fest. I am "grate-lucky" for each and every interaction I shared with you!
Butterfly Kids Yoga takes it outdoors at the ROC City Health and Music Fest!
Looking ahead to this week, I look forward to sharing a "grate-lucky" moment with your kiddos! Check out this week's schedule and see you in class!
Kids yoga studio class @ 10:00AM
Ages 3-5 (East Side Wellness Center, Fairport)
Your little one can look forward to great music, yoga games, plenty of yoga-fun, plus sweet and calm moments to round out class! Sign up for Tuesday, @ 10AM here.
Yoga for Adults with Ellen Baker (Root to Rise Yoga) @ 7:00PM
Restorative and open-level (East Side Wellness Center, Fairport)
I am excited to team up with Ellen Baker from Root to Rise Yoga to teach an wonderful yoga class for adults this week! Ellen's yoga classes focus on the body's proper alignment and she always adapts poses that are appropriate for each person's ability and body type. Enroll for Ellen's class here.
Nighttime Kids Yoga @ 7:00PM
Ages 5+ (East Side Wellness Center, Fairport)
This class is the perfect opportunity to take a fun Butterfly Kids Yoga nighttime class, have fun with yoga, and wind down the day. PJs and a special snuggle buddy are always welcome. And if you are coming to Adult Yoga, your kids can enjoy their own class next to you (or kids can come on their own)! Sign up for Kids Nighttime Yoga @ 7PM here.
* Adult and kids passes sold separately for our Tuesday night classes. So come for just you, for just your kids, or both! Click here for passes and details.
Kids yoga at Perinton Rec Center
Ages 3-8 (Perinton) @ 10:00-10:45am
Summer II session is off to a great start! We'll continue our kids yoga session this week with more great yoga games, yoga moves, and lots of fun!
Classes this weekend are paused, so I hope to see you during the week! We will pick up again in the studio next weekend.
Thanks again for the many special moments this week, my friends. I couldn't do any of this without all of YOU.
PS. Just a few spots left in our Back to School Yoga Camp on August 29, 30, and 31. Geared for ages 5-8 (morning) and 8-12 (afternoon), Yoga Camp offers flexible enrollment -- come for all 3 days or choose the day/s that work for you. Check out the full details here.