Meet Nicole, our newest Instructor!
/When I think of the Butterfly Kids Yoga team, I can truly say that we are all instructors with a passion for this community. Each brings a personal touch. Makes an impact. Creates an experience. And so much more.
And now, I’m thrilled to announce the newest addition to our Kids yoga team, Nicole Drost, who will be leading brand new Butterfly Kids Yoga classes beginning this Fall!
Nicole is a well-loved preschool teacher in our community and is mama to 3 school-aged kiddos herself. She’s following her passion for working with kids, went on to become certified in kids yoga this spring, and is ready to spread her wings with Butterfly Kids Yoga.
Please join me in welcoming Nicole to our amazing line up of instructors. Be on the lookout for her new classes soon!
We have a light week of classes this week, but we are back next weekend! Be sure to check out what’s coming up — see below for highlights.
Have a great week!
PS. And just around the corner is our our Fall Schedule — coming soon!
Upcoming Classes & Events
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Sunday, 8/4. A great class for ages 8-13. Develops flexibility, mobility, focus and more. SIGN UP HERE.
Tuesday, 8/6. Adult yoga + kids yoga. Same time, separate classes! SIGN UP HERE.
Wednesday, 8/7. (Private session) Team yoga for athletes session + parents can enjoy a separate class for themselves! SIGN UP HERE.
Thursday, 8/8. Tweens, enjoy a refreshing yoga class and then let’s craft and create our dreams and goals! SIGN UP HERE.
Yoga + wellness + nature + community!
We stopped by 3 different Perinton Rec summer camps last week to celebrate Wellness Week for 170 kids! Campers had fun with yoga, enjoyed swag bags from our partner, Athleta, and had a ton of fun together!
Awesome day as we learned about being healthy — both inside and out.
Tween Yoga + Self Love was awesome last week! We enjoyed a great evening yoga class to celebrate strength and confidence. And then designed our own Self Love Mirrors — so creative and empowering!
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” - J.M. Barrie
No doubts here! Just perseverance, mental focus and great attitudes. Yoga-strong for these girls!